Resources - Meetings
Monthly Meetings
Missed a meeting?
Want to re-watch an aspect you missed on the night?
Catch up here by watching what was happening at the meeting.
Joseph Zbukvic
November 25 2024

Joseph Zbukvic was welcomed as our new Patron at this meeting. This prompted him to share some insights into his friendships and interactions with our group. At the same time he produced, seemingly effortlessly, a masterpiece of a wet road scene close to his home. He shared his love of the Melbourne street scapes he paints so often.
You will see how he works wet into wet and builds colour nuance on the paper.
You will notice his attention to edge quality.
This is a video you will enjoy from a number of perspectives. The sound takes you right into the Gallery where the doors were open to the night air and sounds, especially the birds as they noisily find their roosting spots. The camera above gives a clear view of the process and the side view gives a good idea of how much wetness is on the paper.
Find some time over the holidays to sit back and enjoy this special WSV members view.
Artists Publish
August 26 2024

At first look this meeting could have been expected to be a bit “Ho Hum” but it turned out to be something extraordinary.
When preparing this evening I discovered all kinds of amazing innovative approaches to book making. I was inspired to learn Bob Wade’s first book was the 1989 bestselling art book of the year, worldwide, Joseph’s first book changed his life, David Freedman started a whole new ‘career’ when he retired from an active life as a top surgeon … and that is just the beginning of amazing surprises from this evening.
The wealth of talent, inspiration and determined work ethic within our membership is extraordinary and it was not just the 'known' names that surprised and inspired members - but you will need to watch to discover what else was revealed on the night.
The friendly ambience in the room needs to be experienced in person to truly understand this special society we are all part of. Plan to attend a meeting to experience it for yourself - it is always the last Monday of the Month. (Feb - November)
Click links below for the next best option if you cannot join us in person.
The video is in two parts and there is an attached PDF from Grant Gittus with some basic guidelines if you wish to try self-publishing.
Ben Winspear
March 2024 Permission to Play Meeting
Ben played along with a Fredrix watercolour Panel a rigid fine canvas surface. For this challenge he was given very few colours and Inks along with markers and pencil. The results tell their own story as potential is huge with calligraphic brush work and perhaps varying degrees of wetness as the board does not absorb a lot of moisture.
Definitely not like working on paper.
Thanks for "Playing Along" with the challenge .
Check out his website for details of his classes, exhibitions and Painting tours. You could travel with him in Europe